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  • In general, to identify eligible uses of funds, recipients should (1) identify a COVID-19 public health or economic impact; (2) design a program that responds to that impact. Responses should be related and reasonably proportional to the harm identified and reasonably designed to benefit those impacted.


  1. Responding to the Public Health Emergency
  • COVID-19 mitigation and prevention:
    • Vaccination programs, including vaccine incentives and testing sites
    • Testing programs, equipment and sites
    • Monitoring, contact tracing, and public health surveillance
    • Public communication efforts
    • Public health data systems
    • COVID-19 prevention and treatment equipment such as ventilators and ambulances.
    • Medical and PPE supplies
    • Support for isolation and quarantine
    • Ventilation system installation and improvement
    • Technical assistance on mitigation of COVID-19 threats to public health and safety
    • Transportation to reach vaccination testing sites, or other prevention and mitigation services for vulnerable populations
    • Support for prevention, mitigation, or other services in congregate living facilities, public facilities, and schools.
    • Medical facilities generally dedicated to COVID-19 treatment and mitigation
    • Temporary medical facilities and other preventative measures to increase COVID-19 treatment capacity.
    • Emergency operations centers and emergency response equipment
    • Public telemedicine capabilities for COVID-19 related treatment.

Medical expenses- expenses for households, medical providers, or others that incurred medical costs due to the pandemic.

  • Paid family and medical leave for public employees to enable compliance with COVID-19 public health precautions.
  • Emergency medical response expenses
  • Treatment of long-term symptoms or effects of COVID-19

Behavioral health care, such as mental health treatment, substance use treatment, and other behavioral health services:

  • Prevention, outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, crisis care, diversion programs, outreach to individuals not yet engaged in treatment, harm reduction and long-term recovery support
  • Enhanced behavioral health services in schools
  • Services for pregnant women or infants born with neonatal abstinence syndrome
  • Support for equitable access to reduce disparities in access to high-quality treatment.
  • Peer support groups, costs for residence in supportive housing or recovery housing, and the 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  • Expansion of access to evidence-based services for opioid use disorder prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery
  • Behavioral health facilities & equipment

Prevention and responding to violence- recognizing that violence, especially gun violence has increased in some communities due to the pandemic:

  • Referrals to trauma recovery services for victims of crimes
  • Community violence intervention programs including:
    • Evidence based practices like focused deterrence, with wraparound services such as behavioral therapy, trauma recovery, job training, education, housing and relocation services, and financial assistance.
  • In communities experiencing increased gun violence due to the pandemic:
    • Law enforcement officers focused on advancing community policing
    • Enforcement efforts to reduce gun violence, including prosecution
    • Technology and equipment to support law enforcement response.



For impacted households and communities, certain services and assistance are deemed eligible:

  • Low- or moderate-income households or communities
  • Households that experienced unemployment
  • Households that experienced increased food or housing insecurity
  • Households that qualify for Children’s Health Insurance Program, Childcare subsidies through the Child Development Fund
  • When providing affordable housing programs: households that qualify for National Housing Trust Fund and Home Investment Partnerships Program.
  • Services to address lost instructional time (K-12); any student that lost access to in-person instruction for a significant period of time.

Eligible responses to impacted households and communities include:

  • Food assistance and food banks
  • Emergency housing assistance, rental assistance, utility assistance, assistance paying delinquent property taxes, counseling and legal aid to prevent eviction and homelessness and emergency programs or services for homeless individuals, including temporary residences for the homeless.
  • Health insurance expansion coverage
  • Benefits for surviving family members of individuals who have died from COVID-19
  • Assistance to individuals who want and are available for work, including job training, public jobs programs and fairs, support for childcare and transportation to and from a jobsite or interview, incentives for newly employed workers, subsidized employment, grants to hire underserved workers, assistance to unemployed individuals to start small businesses and development of job and workforce training centers.
  • Financial services for the unbanked and unbanked and underbanked
  • Burials, home repairs and home weatherization
  • Programs, devices, and equipment for internet access and digital literacy, including subsidies for costs of access.
  • Cash assistance
  • Paid sick, medical, and family leave programs.
  • Assistance in accessing and applying for public benefits or services
  • Childcare and early learning services, home visiting programs, services for child welfare involved families and foster youth
  • Assistance to address the impact of learning loss for K-12
  • Programs or services to support long-term housing security: including the development of affordable housing and permanent affordable housing.
  • Pay for community health workers to help households access health and social services
  • Remediation of lead paint and other lead hazards
  • Primary care clinics, hospitals, integration of health services into other settings, and other investments in medical equipment and facilities to address health disparities
  • Housing vouchers and assistance to relocating to neighborhoods with higher economic opportunity.
  • Investments in neighborhoods to promote improved health outcomes
  • Improvements to vacant and abandoned properties, including rehabilitation or maintenance, renovation, rehabilitation or maintenance, renovation, removal and remediation of environmental contaminants, demolition or deconstruction, greening/vacant lot cleanup and conversion to affordable housing.
  • Services to address educational disparities including assistance to high poverty school districts and educational and evidence-based services to address student academic, social, emotional and mental health needs

Schools and other educational equipment and facilities



  • Recipients may use funds for programs, services, and capital expenditures that respond to the pandemic’s public health and economic impacts. Specifically, they must they must be reasonably and proportional to the pandemic impact identified and reasonably designed to benefit the impacted population or class.


  • Enumerated types of capital expenditures that the Treasury has identified as responding to the pandemics impacts:


  • Ventilation system installation and improvement
  • Support for prevention, mitigation, or other services in congregate living facilities, public facilities, and schools.


  • Ineligible capital projects:
    • Construction of new congregate facilities as a response to an increase in the rate of crime.
    • Construction of new congregate facilities to decrease the spread of COVID-19
    • Construction of convention centers, stadiums, or other large capital projects intended for general economic development or aid to impacted industries.