Whether you are looking to dabble in art, play a game of cribbage, walk with friends, watch a movie or learn something new, you'll find the COA is the place to be!

Our "What's News?" newsletter lists a calendar chuck-filled with daily activities and special events, workshops and more. We encourage you to download and keep the most recent issue on hand...or at least keep coming back to this page so you don't miss an event!
Board of Directors
The Council on Aging meets the first Monday of every month at 10 a.m. at the Mary Cruise Kennedy Senior Center, 10 Father Kenney Way.
Jeanne Fuller-Jones, chair
David Andrews, Vice Chair
Carole Delorey, Secretary
Henry Soones, Treasurer
Harriet Beasley
Paul Beckner
Robert Graham
Mary James
Gerald Koelsch
Anne McCormack
Fabienne Zephyr
Robert Beaushesne
Marge Shepard
1 Vacancy
Support Services
Heath Insurance - SHINE Program
A SHINE (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders) representative visits the center every Wednesday afternoon from 12 - 2:15 p.m. to assist seniors with filling out insurance forms, answer questions and discuss any insurance related questions or concerns you may have. Call 508-580-7811 to schedule an appointment.
Tax Counseling
During February, March and April a tax counselor is on site to help prepare taxes for free if you cannot afford to hire an accountant. Call 508-580-7811 to schedule an appointment in late January.
Massachusetts Social Security Offices
A list of Social Security Office in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can be found here.
Dial-A-BAT is the first successful coordinated transportation program undertaken by a public transit agency designed to serve the elderly and disabled.
Dial-A-Bat serves elderly and disabled in Brockton, Abington, Avon, Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Whitman and parts of Stoughton.
To arrange a trip in Brockton call Dial-A-Bat before 4 p.m. at least one day in advance. The number to call in Brockton is: 508-584-5530.
If you are 65 or older the fare is $2.50 each way within the same community and $3.50 from one Dial-A-Bat community to another.
Assistance Programs
Fuel Assistance
Already receiving fuel assistance?
For those already receiving fuel assistance, a renewal application will arrive in early September. All that is necessary with the application is to correct any wrong information, sign it, and return it to Self Help, Inc., 1362 Main Street, in Brockton. Please take care of this as soon as you receive it so that Self Help will know how much funding they have left for new applications.
Looking to apply for fuel assistance?
Applications for fuel assistance are available at the Council on Aging mid-to-late October (by appointment ONLY) for those who do not now receive fuel assistance. The following items are required to file an application if you are age 60 or older:
- Proof of ID and residence
- Income documentation
- Last year’s tax return
- Bank statements
- Social Security award letter
- Record of mortgage payment
- Property tax statement
- Rent receipt (if renting)
- Last two electric bills
- If using oil – last oil heat bill
- If using gas – last two gas bills
- Pension information
SNAP/Food Stamps
SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that helps low income individuals and families buy healthy, nutritious food. A SNAP household’s monthly benefit depends on household size, income and expenses. You may be eligible for SNAP. If you are age 60 or older, and a resident of Brockton, you can schedule an appointment at the Council on Aging by calling 508-580-7811 or by calling the SNAP hotline at 1-866-950-FOOD (1-866-950-3663).
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels are delivered year round, Monday through Friday to homebound elders. To receive more information on this program call Old Colony Elder Services at 508-584-1561.
National Grid for Brockton Seniors
Initiatives with Seniors at heart
AARP... "to serve not to be served"
Mission Statement
AARP is a nonprofit membership organization of persons 50 and older dedicated to addressing their needs and interests. Through education, advocacy and service, AARP seeks to enhance the quality of life for all by promoting independence, dignity and purpose.
Seniors Social Groups
Men's Group
The Men's Group meets the last Monday of every month at 9:30 a.m. A light breakfast and a lot of laughs usually ensue. The Men's Group have gone to City Hall to get their fishing licenses, planned a day out fishing and enjoyed a cook-out, had a car race, talked about current affairs locally and nationally and helped with our annual Harvest Fair and parties.
We Welcome Your Help
The Brockton Council on Aging coordinates a large staff of volunteers. Over 100 dedicated volunteers donate over 1,000 hours of service each month.
Some offer several hours each week, while others offer several hours each year. Our volunteers’ talents range from teaching classes, to bringing in donuts daily, mailing the monthly Newsletter, setting up and serving at our parties, and organizing the library. There are many opportunities available.
Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the COA at 508.580.7811.
Every year, the staff hosts a very special Volunteer Appreciation luncheon to honor all volunteers who have donated over 20 hours during the year.
Please note - a CORI check is required.

Join or Donate to Friends of the COA
The "Friends" of the Brockton COA is a non-profit organization (501C3) formed to raise and provide funds for a variety of purposes to serve Brockton seniors. New members and donations are always welcomed and appreciated. Please call the Brockton COA for more information at 508-580-7811.
This group, composed of volunteer members, meets the first Monday of every month at 11 a.m. to plan fundraising activities with all the proceeds going to the Brockton Council on Aging. Some events that have been planned are the COA Bake Sale, Penny Sale, Harvest Fair, special parties, and calendar fundraiser.
Fran Zakszewski- Chair
Maxine Young – Vice Chair
Lillian Dykes- Treasurer
Vickie Green- Secretary
Martha Badgio
Melinda Howard
Karen Landers
Dolores Langer
Suzanne Larke
Linda Reddin

Helpful Phone Numbers
Elder Abuse Hotline
Brockton Housing Authority
Brockton Visiting Nurse Association
Department of Public Works
(Trash issues)
Mayor's Office
Meals on Wheels
Old Colony Elder Services
Social Security
VA Medical Center - Brockton