Alycia Montrond-Bullock
Constituent Services Liaison
Email: [email protected]
Alycia Montrond-Bullock, a native of Brockton, graduated from Lasell University, Summa Cum Laude in May 2023. She worked as a Title IX trainer, while earning her degree in Criminal Justice. For two years, Alycia also had the honor of serving as a fellow for Liz Miranda, the state senator for Boston’s 2nd Suffolk. There she was associated with Sen. Miranda’s campaign team, worked on its social media, attended community events and assisted with constituent concerns. Following graduation, she worked at the Family Resource Center as the Greater Plymouth County’s School Liaison. She frequently participated in IEP meetings, speaking up for the interests of families and students to ensure that a child receives the education they need. Alycia provided direction to families regarding community-based resources to assist with concerns related to housing, food security, and mental health. Alycia is a descendant of Puerto Rican and Cape Verdeans ancestry. She is proficient in Cape Verdean Kriolu. Along with being a certified advocate for victims of domestic abuse, Alycia has her own graphic design company called AlyDesigns, and was a founding member of the first Lasell Black Student Association, serving as its social media director. She is a passionate social rights advocate.