City Council Meeting
Brockton City Hall 45 School St., Brockton, MA, United StatesThe regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday evening June 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall
Public Hearing
Brockton City Hall 45 School St., Brockton, MA, United StatesThe Brockton City Council will meet on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 2nd floor, City Hall, 45 School St., Brockton, MA to review the following petitions at which time all interested parties may be heard: Petition of Autumn Taber, of Mass Save Program, 344 Rathbun St., Woonsocket, RI 02895, […]
CPCWDC Meeting
Brockton, MA, United StatesNOTICE OF MEETING DATE & TIME: Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 12:00 pm MEETING LOCATION: Zoom video/Teleconference This meeting notice is being filed and posted in each city or town within the Central Plymouth County Water District, pursuant to General Law Chapter 30A, Section 20. Said notice and agenda must be filed in the offices of […]
FREE Youth Cooperative Entrepreneurship workshop!
Brockton Main Library 304 Main St., Brockton, MA, United StatesYouth in the Brockton area who are interested in entrepreneurship and cooperative economics are encouraged to attend the Cooperative Entrepreneur Workshop! Anyone from 14-18 years old is welcome. This training is an excellent opportunity for emerging entrepreneurs and changemakers to gather and learn the steps to starting a business, including a cooperative business. We will […]
FREE Youth Cooperative Entrepreneurship workshop!
Brockton Main Library 304 Main St., Brockton, MA, United StatesYouth in the Brockton area who are interested in entrepreneurship and cooperative economics are encouraged to attend the Cooperative Entrepreneur Workshop! Anyone from 14-18 years old is welcome. This training is an excellent opportunity for emerging entrepreneurs and changemakers to gather and learn the steps to starting a business, including a cooperative business. We will […]
Campello Complete Neighborhood Planning Project
South Middle School 105 Keith Ave, Brockton, MA, United StatesThe City of Brockton, Department of Planning and Economic Development, is hosting a series of community workshops to engage stakeholders, residents, business owners, city officials and municipal representatives to plan for the future of the Campello neighborhood. Tonight’s topic: Design Principles 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm South Middle School Cafeteria 105 Keith Ave, […]
Parking Authority Meeting Cancelled
Metro South Chamber of Commerce 60 School St., Brockton, MA, United StatesThis meeting has been cancelled due to lack of quorum. There will be a meeting of the Parking Authority on June 28th in the Chamber of Commerce building, 60 School Street, 2nd floor conference room at 6:30 pm.
Manning Pool Open Now
Brockton High School 470 Forest Ave, Brockton, MA, United StatesSummer of '23 at the Manning Pool has begun! Brockton High School, 470 Forest Avenue (next to the skating rink) Open 7 days per week 1:00-6:00 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday FREE ADMISSION Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday $4 per person, $1 for senior citizens Capacity is 225 guests No mesh shorts No cotton t-shirts in the […]
FREE Youth Cooperative Entrepreneurship workshop!
Brockton Main Library 304 Main St., Brockton, MA, United StatesYouth in the Brockton area who are interested in entrepreneurship and cooperative economics are encouraged to attend the Cooperative Entrepreneur Workshop! Anyone from 14-18 years old is welcome. This training is an excellent opportunity for emerging entrepreneurs and changemakers to gather and learn the steps to starting a business, including a cooperative business. We will […]
Cameroon Flag Commemoration
Brockton City Hall 45 School St., Brockton, MA, United StatesJoin Mayor Robert Sullivan for Cameroon Flag Commemoration on June 30, 2023 at 3:00 PM at City Hall Plaza