General Responsibilities

The function and responsibilities of the position of City Clerk as provided for in the Massachusetts General Laws and the Revised Ordinances of the City of Brockton are as follows:

Organize Government

Organize and preside on inauguration and organization of city government.  Administer oath of office to all elected and appointed city officials.

City Council

Attend all meetings, prepare agendas, review council submissions, prepare and certify council records, documents, maps, etc.  Institute and set up lawful procedures and time tables for passage of all measures by the City Council including zoning amendments, general ordinances and loan orders.

Registrar of Vital Statistics

Receive, record and maintain custody of all birth, deaths and marriages.  Consider evidence and make decisions  to allow amendments by law or reject amendments.


Processing properly prepared and conforming licenses and license renewals through the City Council with issuance or letter of rejection.  Licenses include, but are not limited to, second hand articles, junk, bowling alleys, pool tables, bazaars, hunting, fishing and dog license, signs over public ways, gasoline stations, and others.  Most require annual renewal, many required public hearings set up and published by the city clerk with legal notifications.

Custodians Of Records

Custody of all city records as provided by law and records for which no provision has been made by law.  These include maintaining records of appointments of all municipal boards and commissions, rules and regulations of boards and commissions, city deeds, lease agreements, all city contracts, oath of office administered to all department heads, appointed and elected officials with certification of each officers’ authority to act.  By state law, provide copies of conflict of interest, statutes and open meeting law.


Responsible for maintaining all city general and zoning ordinances.  Printing, editing, regularly supplementing and periodically recodifying the same for distribution to all departments, governmental agencies, and the general public.

Claims And Summons

Receive, index and process all claims, legal service and summons against the City of Brockton, Certification of documents and records for court appearances.

City Seal

By law, the City Clerk is the keeper of the city seal and shall affix the city seal to all deeds and legal documents for the Mayor and other officers of the city to which the city seal is required.  The City Clerk is also the clerk of the municipal corporation.


Records all orders laying out, altering, widening or discontinuing any street, meeting all legal requirements for preparing public hearings and adoptions of orders by the City Council.  Coordinate the Superintendent of Engineering for recording at the Registry of Deeds all City Council orders and plans of land taking, temporary or permanent easements, with legal certified mail to all affected property owners and parties of interest in the property such as banks and mortgage holders.  Certified mail notifications to same on all betterment assessments.  Insure compliance with legal time frame attached to recordings and certified mailing and also to newspaper publications of public hearings.

Collection of Fees

Collection of over $150,000 in fees for certified documents, licenses, ordinances, maps, public records, etc.  Fees are primarily set by state statute and ordinance at typically low rates.  The bonding of the City Clerk is required by the Department of Revenue.

Receive Index and Record
  • Notice of meeting and municipal boards and commissions posted in accordance with public meeting law
  • Rules, decisions and records of proceedings of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board
  • Appeals from decisions of Building Inspector (also transmit copies to other departments)
  • Legal actions (transmit copies as required)
  • Planning Board decisions regarding subdivision control, certify such action or non-action
  • Processing charter amendments and any other acts and deeds in relation thereto
  • Receive, examine, file and monitor political expense statements from candidates and political committees for public office and enforcement of laws relative thereto.  Report to the Attorney General candidates who do not file or who file reports not in conformance with law
  • Going out of business or closing out sales and bonds
  • Business certificates (filed by persons operating a business under a name other than their own).
  • Certificate of registration in various fields of medicine
  • Notify Federal and State agencies of any change of membership of Brockton Housing Authority or Brockton Redevelopment Authority
  • Records of street lights and pole locations and any changes or amendments thereto throughout the city
  • Federal and State tax claims
  • All filing, statements, petitions, etc. under the conflict of interest laws

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a complete list of the duties required by law of the City Clerk.

Documents and Fees

The City Clerk has custody of all birth, death, and marriage records pertaining to Brockton. The Clerk also issues Yard Sale permits and Business Certificates. The Clerk’s Office accepts cash or money order for copies of documents. Please call the Clerk's Office at 508-580-7114 for fees.
  • Birth Certificate
  • Death Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Intent to Marry
  • Yard Sale
  • Business Certificate