Report a Problem with SeeClickFix
Now you can help report non-emergency problems to the City of Brockton from your smartphone, tablet, or computer, thanks to our new partnership with SeeClickFix. Use the SeeClickFix app to report issues such as:
- Dead/Loose Animal
- Drugs
- Junk Cars/Yard Debris
- Landlord Issues
- Parks & Rec Field Maintenance
- Police Issues (Drugs, Gangs, etc.)
- Pothole
- Snow Removal
- Street Light Repair
- Street Sign
- Traffic Signal Issue
- Trash/Dumping
- Vacant or Abandoned Buildings
Brockton staff respond to SeeClickFix requests during regular business hours. If this report comes in on a holiday, weekend or after-hours, it will be read on the next business day. PLEASE NOTE: SeeClickFix is not to be used for emergencies. If your police issue is or could be an emergency, call 911 immediately to report it. For all other police issues that are actually occurring or otherwise in-progress (such as parking violations or loud parties), call the Brockton Police non-emergency line at 508-941-0200 to report them.
You have the option to upload a photo with each service request, as a visual reference to help communicate the need to staff. Customer service requests are routed to city staff to help answer questions and provide solutions.
The widget above allows you to make service requests, and well as discover existing problems that have been reported, from your desktop computer. To report an issue:
- Make sure the Report tab is selected .
- Drag the map marker to the location of your issue, or type in the address directly.
- Click Next.
- Choose a service request Category from the drop-down menu that matches your issue.
- Enter a Title (required), additional Description (optional), and attach an Image (optional).
- Enter your name and e-mail address so you can be notified when the issue has been rectified.
- Click Submit.
SeeClickFix is available for download as on app on the following platforms:
Once you have sent a report, you will receive email communication acknowledging your service request. You can continue to check on the status of the issue online. Once the work is complete or the issue has been resolved, you will be notified by email as well.
For technical support with the SeeClickFix platform (web or mobile), please email