Requests to be heard by Traffic Commission **PRIOR TO COMPLETING THE SIGN REQUEST FORM PLEASE NOTE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING TO EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST TO THE COMMISSION. THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILL NOTIFY YOU OF THE DATE VIA EMAIL **Michelle Yaffe Secretary to the Traffic Commission/Parking Clerk NameAddressContact Phone No.Email(Required) *Type of Sign Requested* Please note: 1. If requesting a "Handicapped Parking" sign, resident must bring into the Traffic Commission the Handicap Placard, valid ID and vehicle registration. 2. If requesting a "Resident Only" permit, resident must bring into the Traffic Commission vehicle registration and valid ID.Reason for Requesting SignLocation of Requested SignIf not requesting a sign, please indicate the exact nature of your request:Nearest Pole #Replacement Sign Yes No Date of Request MM slash DD slash YYYY