#1 Athletic Program in Massachusetts

Brockton High School is known for our high academic standards, athletic excellence and good sportsmanship.

Athletics are an integral part of the total education of the Brockton High School student body. Our BHS Athletic Program was selected as the #1 Athletic Program in Massachusetts by Sports Illustrated. Interested in learning more?

One Hundred Fifty Third Graduation Exercises at Brockton High School on Saturday, June 1, 2019. 
(Marc Vasconcellos/The Enterprise)

School Committee

The School Committee meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 7 p.m. in the George M. Romm Little Theatre at Brockton High School, 470 Forest Ave., unless otherwise posted.

  • Robert F. Sullivan, Chairman | Mayor
  • Kathleen Ann Ehlers  | Ward 1
  • Cynthia Rivas Mendes | Ward 2
  • Jared Homer | Ward 3
  • Tony Rodrigues | Ward 4
  • Judy Sullivan | Ward 5
  • Joyce J. Asack, Vice-Chair | Ward 6
  • Timothy J. Sullivan | Ward 7
  • Mike Thomas | Superintendent

Meetings Videos

All videos should be online within 72 hours of the actual meeting.
If you have a problem viewing them, please contact COB Webmaster.

Southeastern Regional School Committee

  • Mark Linde
  • Tony Branch
Visit Southeaster Regional Website