Brockton Hospital
Signature Healthcare/Brockton Hospital is open for business. Please visit for more information.
Signature Healthcare Urgent Care hours have changed. Please check here for the new hours.
Brockton Hospital/Signature Healthcare is re-opening August 13!
Mayor Robert Sullivan has issued the following statement about this momentous occasion:
The reopening of Signature Healthcare/Brockton Hospital is great news for Brocktonians and all who utilize the medical services offered at this facility. The 10-alarm fire in February 2023 left a significant void in the area’s healthcare system, and the hospital coming back online will make a substantial difference. The renovated hospital includes state-of-the-art facilities that will not only restore essential services but improve and expand healthcare options. I am incredibly proud of the collaborative effort among Brockton area healthcare providers - including the Veterans Administration, Good Samaritan Hospital and Brockton Neighborhood Health Center - all of which assisted to fill in the void. We look forward to welcoming patients back to a new-and-improved Signature Healthcare/Brockton Hospital.
Please click here for more information.
What has the City been doing to support the recovery efforts and continuity of care for residents?
Mayor Robert Sullivan has gathered a group consisting of representatives from impacted organizations like Signature Healthcare, Good Samaritan Medical Center, South Shore Hospital, Father Bill’s Main Spring, Highpoint Treatment Center, and Brewster Ambulance Service; organizations that are willing to step in and lend a hand like Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, BAMSI, the Veterans’ Administration, Boston Medical Center, and BEMA; and support organizations like the Brockton Police and Fire Departments, the Board of Health, and the Department of Health and Human Services. The Mayor has been conducting several meetings per week with the group to check in and provide support where needed.
For all of the latest updates on Brockton Hospital/Signature Healthcare, visit
Doctor's office (call your primary care physician)
- Cold, flu, and sore throat
- Ear, sinus, or urinary tract infections
- Headaches and muscle pains
- Stomach pains, nausea, diarrhea, or constipation
- Minor scrapes and bruises
Walk-in urgent care
- Sprains
- Minor cuts or burns
- Dehydration
- Pink eye
- Minor animal bites or stings
- Rashes or other skin issues
- Primary care concerns (if unable to see primary care provider)
Emergency Department
- Chest pain or difficulty breathing
- Serious burns, cuts, or lacerations
- Head or eye injuries
- Fainting, changes in mental state, or slurred speech
- Broken bones or dislocated joints
- Weakness and/or numbness on one side
Call 911 or go to the closest Emergency Room
As you might expect, area emergency rooms are experiencing very high patient volume. If your issue is not a life-threatening emergency, please consider going to an Urgent Care Center near you or calling your Primary Care Physician.
- Members of Brockton Neighborhood Health Centermay go there for urgent care. You must be a member of BNHC to use their services.
- Signature Healthcare has two Urgent Care Centers in Brockton. Available for anyone.
- 110 Liberty Street
- 650 Center Street
The City of Brockton is committed to caring for all of our citizens, and our most vulnerable citizens have unique needs. The Hospital closure has created a shortage of options for people with behavioral health and substance-use disorders.
Brockton’s social services team, the Board of Health (BOH), Brockton Emergency Management Agency (BEMA), and the Council on Aging (COA) have been interfacing with unhoused residents to assess needs and to provide information on options for care.
For behavioral health and substance-use disorder issues, please consider contacting:
Champion Plan
(police assisted substance use services: detox, CSS, outpatient, Medication assisted treatment/ provide NARCAN)
142 Crescent Street, 1st Floor, Brockton, MA 02302
High Point Treatment Center
Brockton Outpatient
30 Meadowbrook Road, Brockton, MA 02301
74 Pleasant Street, Brockton, MA 02301
508-583-3405 or 857-919-4721
(harm reduction services, substance use services, needle exchange, testing for HIV, HepC, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea/ provide NARCAN and clothing when able)
Brockton Behavioral Health Center
34 N Pearl St, Brockton, MA 02301
Email for referrals: