Real Estate Abatement Application Name(s) of Assessed Owner:Name(s) and status of applicant (if other than assessed owner)Owner Info Subsequent owner Administrator/executor Lessee Mortgage Other (aquired title after January 1) on MM slash DD slash YYYY Specify Other TaxpayerTelephone NoEmail(Required) Mailing Address NoMailing Address StreetCity/TownZip CodeAmounts and dates of tax paymentsProperty Identification. Complete using information as it appears on tax bill.Tax bill noAssessed valuationLocation no. & streetDescriptionParcel ID no. (map-block-lot)Land AreaClassReason(s) Abatement Sought. Check reason(s) an abatement is warranted and briefly explain why it applies. Continue explanation on attachment if necessary.Reason Overvaluation Disproportionate assessment Incorrect usage classification Other Specify other reason Applicant's opinion of ValueClassExplanationFILING THIS FORM DOES NOT STAY THE COLLECTION OF YOUR TAXES. TO AVOID LOSS OF APPEAL RIGHTS OR ADDITION OF INTEREST AND OTHER COLLECTION CHARGES, THE TAX SHOULD BE PAID AS ASSESSED. Signatures. under penalties of perjury.Subscribed thisday ofYearSignature of applicantIf not an individual, signature of authorized officerTitleName(Required)Address(Required)Telephone(Required)If signed by an agent, attach copy of written authorization to sign on behalf of taxpayer.Taxpayer Information about Abatement Procedure Reason for an Abatement. An abatement is a reduction in the tax assessed on your property for the fiscal year. To dispute your valuation or assessment or to correct any other billing problem or error that caused your tax bill to be higher than it should be, you must apply for an abatement. You may apply for an abatement if your property is: 1) overvalued (assessed value is more than fair cash value on January 1 for any reason, including clerical and data processing errors or assessment of property that is non-existent or not taxable to you), 2) disproportionately assessed in comparison with other prope1ties, 3) classified incorrectly as residential, open space, commercial or industrial real property, or 4) partially or fully exempt. Who May File an Application. You may file an application if you are: the assessed or subsequent (acquiring title after January 1) owner of the property, the personal representative of the assessed owner' s estate or personal representative or trustee under the assessed owner' s will, a tenant paying rent who is obligated to pay more than one-half of the tax, a person owning or having an interest or possession of the property, or a mortgagee if the assessed owner has not applied In some cases, you must pay all or a portion of the tax before you can file. WHEN AND WHERE APPLICATION MUST BE FILED. Your application must be filed with the assessors on or before the date the first installment payment of the actual tax bill mailed for the fiscal year is due, unless you are a mortgagee. If so, your application must be filed during the last 10 days of the abatement application period. Actual tax bills are those issued after the tax rate is set. Applications filed for omitted, revised or reassessed taxes must be filed within 3 months of the date the bill for those taxes was mailed. THESE DEADLINES CANNOT BE EXTENDED OR WAIVED BY THE ASSESSORS FOR ANY REASON. IF YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT TIMELY FILED, YOU LOSE ALL RIGHTS TO AN ABATEMENT AND THE ASSESSORS CANNOT BY LAW GRANT YOU ONE. TO BE TIMELY FILED, YOUR APPLICATION MUST BE (1) RECEIVED BY THE ASSESSORS ON OR BEFORE THE FILING DEADLINE OR (2) MAILED BY UNITED STATES MAIL, FIRST CLASS POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE PROPER ADDRESS OF THE ASSESSORS ON OR BEFORE THE FILING DEADLINE AS SHOWN BY A POSTMARK MADE BY THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. PAYMENT OF TAX. Filing an application does not stay the collection of your taxes. In some cases, you must pay all preliminary and actual installments of the tax when due to appeal the assessors' disposition of your application. Failure to pay the tax assessed when due may also subject you to interest charges and collection action. To avoid any loss of rights or additional charges, you should pay the tax as assessed. If an abatement is granted and you have already paid the entire year's tax as abated, you will receive a refund of any overpayment. ASSESSORS DISPOSITION. Upon applying for an abatement, you may be asked to provide the assessors with written information about the property and permit them to inspect it. Failure to provide the information or permit an inspection within 30 days of the request may result in the loss of your appeal rights. The assessors have 3 months from the date your application is filed to act on it unless you agree in writing before that period expires to extend it for a specific time. If the assessors do not act on your application within the original or extended period, it is deemed deemed You will be notified in writing whether an abatement has been granted or denied. APPEAL. You may appeal the disposition of your application to the Appellate Tax Board, or if applicable, the County Commissioners. The appeal must be filed within 3 months of the date the assessors acted on your application, or the date your application was deemed denied, whichever is applicable. The disposition notice will provide you with further information about the appeal procedure and deadline. If signed by an agent, attach copy of written authorization to sign on behalf of taxpayer.Max. file size: 50 MB.