1. In City Council April 22, 2024,
Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 SECTION 8-9 OF THE REVISED ORDIANCES OF THE CITY OF BROCKTON The following language “the fee shall be increased to two hundred eighty dollars ($280.00), billed at seventy dollars ($70.00) four (4) times per year” shall be replaced with the “fee shall be increased to three hundred sixty dollars ($360.00), billed at ninety dollars ($90.00) four (4) times per year.” In City Council May 28, 2024, Passed to a third reading as amended by a hand vote. In City Council June 24, 2024, Ordained as amended by a roll call vote taken by “yeas” and “nays”; eleven members present and eight voting in the affirmative. Councilors Derenoncourt, Griffin, and Minichiello voting in the negative.
Article II, Section 13-4 is hereby amended by inserting the following section “A.” Notwithstanding the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 30B as it relates to special education services, no contract for the transportation of special education students shall be paid unless the vendor was selected after open, competitive bidding conducted by the city’s chief procurement officer. The purpose of this section is to ensure the lowest, most responsible bidder is selected. After a bid is awarded, the chief procurement officer or his or her designee shall cause to be published on the city website the names of all successful bidders and the fees charged for special education transportation services. In City Council May 28, 2024, Passed to a third reading as amended by a hand vote. In City Council June 24, 2024, Ordained as amended by a roll call vote taken by “yeas” and “nays”; eleven members present and all voting in the affirmative.
3. In City Council February 12, 2024, Ordinance: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Brockton to adopt a new section to Chapter 12, Section VII “Public Park Cleaning Ordinance” of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Brockton as follows:
12-155.1 – Cleaning Program
a. The City of Brockton desires to conduct coordinated cleanings throughout the City of Brockton.
b. The purpose of the coordinated cleanings is to improve the public health conditions within the City.
12-155.2 – Locations subject to this Ordinance This ordinance shall apply to any public property within the City of Brockton.
12-155.3 – Cleaning Program Regulations
a. The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, and the Superintendent of Parks shall oversee the cleaning program.
b. The cleanings shall occur between 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on days and locations determined by the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, the Superintendent of Parks, Director of Social Services, and the Chief of Police, or when a biological contamination has been identified.
c. At each location subject to this ordinance, notice may be posted at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled cleaning. See attached Notice.
d. On the day of each scheduled cleaning, the Brockton Police Department will visit the designated location prior to the scheduled cleaning to respectfully notify any persons at the location of the cleaning unless the Police Department is unavailable due to emergency circumstances. Such persons shall specifically be informed that they should collect their personal belongings and leave the location during the cleaning.
e. At the time of the cleaning, the Director of Social Services and/or designee, if available, shall accompany the Department of Public Works and/or Parks Department staff in order to provide any persons at the location with information regarding the cleanings and other services available to the residents of the City of Brockton.
12-155.4 – Non-conflict with other Laws
Nothing in this ordinance shall prohibit law enforcement officials and public safety officials from enforcement of statutory, regulatory, and local regulations within the City of Brockton. In City Council May 28, 2024, Passed to a third reading as amended by a hand vote. In City Council June 24, 2024, Ordained as amended by a roll call vote taken by “yeas” and “nays”; eleven members present and all voting in the affirmative.
The foregoing Ordinances are on file in the City Clerk’s Office and on the City’s website in their entirety for review by interested parties.
Timothy J. Cruise, City Clerk
Published On:
July 29, 2024