Brockton News: Public Notices

North Main Street Water Transmission Main Replacement Project

North Main Street Water Transmission Main Replacement Project (DWSRF-7189) Construction of upgrades and improvements to the City of Brockton’s water distribution system are financed by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The DWSRF program is administered by the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust with joint funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Commonwealth.…Read More

Help for Heating Bills

Due to the New England region’s reliance on natural gas to fuel our power plants and the impact on gas prices from the war in Ukraine, customers in New England will experience record-high electricity and gas supply prices this winter. Assistance programs are available to help customers pay bills or manage the increase. To see…Read More

Keep Warm, Keep Safe

Chief Brian Nardelli and State Fire Marshal Ostroskey Urge Residents to Keep Warm, Keep Safe this Winter Keep Warm Keep Safe Press Release Keep Warm Keep Safe SlideshowRead More

Brockton – Where Better Begins

Today Brockton launched “Where Better Begins,” a video campaign to showcase the amazing people, places and businesses that make the City of Champions a unique and exciting place to live, work and visit. Check it out here: Brockton - Where Better BeginsRead More

Water Transmission valve phase #2

The City of Brockton is commencing construction of upgrades and improvements to the City of Brockton’s water transmission mains. This project will include removing existing piping, fittings, valves, and manholes on the twin 24-inch water transmission mains and existing 12- and 6-inch interconnections and furnishing and installing new 24- and 20-inch ductile iron piping, fittings,…Read More

National Grid for Brockton Seniors

National Grid for Brockton Seniors With energy bills expected to increase this winter, for both natural gas and electric service due to the increase in global energy prices, National Grid is providing different payment options and a discount rate to those who qualify to help you prepare for the winter season. National Grid is offering…Read More

Water Transmission Main Valve Replacement – Phase 2 (DWSRF-6689)

Construction of upgrades and improvements to the City of Brockton’s water transmission mains were financed by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The DWSRF program is administered by the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust with joint funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Commonwealth. This project will include removing existing piping, fittings, valves,…Read More

Public Hearing for Eversource

Petition of Eversource Gas Company of Massachusetts for approval of its 2019‑2021 Three‑Year Energy Efficiency Plan Term Report. The Department of Public Utilities will conduct a virtual public hearing to receive comments on the Company’s filing.

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Guidance for COVID-19 Update 09-15-22

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide updated protocols and to be a reference for City of Brockton employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines are intended to help ensure the health and safety of both the public and City employees. Guidelines for the COVID-19 Pandemic Masks are required to be worn inside of…Read More

Southfield Drive Construction

The Town of Whitman's contractor, C. Naughton, is planning on beginning installation of the new sewer force main on Southfield Drive in Brockton on Monday 9/19. Local residents will be notified directly. This portion of the project will take several weeks to complete. Any questions regarding this work should be directed to the Town of Whitman DPW at 781-447-7630.Read More