Brockton News: Public Notices

Annual Water Quality Report

The Annual Water Quality Report for the City of Brockton can be found here: Annual Water Quality ReportRead More

City and BAT announce grant for electric buses

City and BAT announce grant for electric busesRead More

Healthy Homes Production

HHP is a grant for $2,000,000 the city received towards the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 to provide financial assistance to homeowners and tenants to mitigate the issues of asbestos, mold and mildew, mercury and improve air quality according to the regulations of the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH).…Read More

Utilities Bill Notice

The City’s Utilities bills were scheduled to be mailed out on May 18, 2023 with a due date of June 16, 2023. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen issues, the bills were delayed and will now be mailed out on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Although the dates on the bills were printed with the original mail and…Read More

Sewer Lines

Please be advised that the Brockton Sewer Dept. will have a contractor cleaning and videoing sewer lines across the City over the next several weeks. This work is being done in preparation of the next phase over sewer lining that will take place over the summer. Please contact our Sewer Dept. at 5085807880 if you have…Read More

Professional CDL and IT Training

The Plymouth County Sheriff's Office  is offering professional training including wrap-around services to meet the needs of justice involved individuals and family members of justice involved individuals CDL Training - Groups meet Monday - Thursday 5 PM to 10 PM IT Training - Classes will be 4 days per week from 5 PM to 10…Read More

VFW Parkway Detour Notice

DETOUR NOTICE Please be advised that Botti Construction will be doing construction work on the following street: VFW PARKWAY BEHIND CITY HALL from MAIN STREET to CRESCENT STREET  With work scheduled for THE LAST WEEK of MARCH into APRIL, 2023 IMPORTANT Sections of the parkway will be closed to traffic periodically thru the duration of…Read More

Brockton Cultural Council Survey

The Brockton Cultural Council would like your input about what kinds of projects people want them to fund. Please take this short, anonymous survey.Read More

BRA Con Plan for Comments

The Brockton Redevelopment Authority has posted their Consolidated Plan for Public Comment. Comments will run from 5/5/2023-6/4/2023 and can be emailed to Zaias Andrade. Comments can also be mailed to 50 School Street, 2nd Floor, Brockton, MA 02301 (attn: ZA-ConPlan Comments). Locations to examine the ConPlan are as follows: BRA’s Office and Website Mayor’s Office & City’s…Read More

Stormwater Billing

Please be aware that the City resumed issuing stormwater invoices on January 31, 2023. Stormwater invoices have not been sent out since June, 2022 as relevant information could not be uploaded into the Munis system due to support issues (old software vs. new updated software). The software upgrade will take place in April and this…Read More