The latest Coronvirus information can be found here: The latest video from the Mayor (as of 3/16/20) can be found here: Mayor's Video *Brockton Public Announcement* From Mayor Robert Sullivan And Superintendent of Brockton Public Schools Michael Thomas: All schools will be closed on Friday, March 13 and Monday, March 16 so the Facilities…Read More
The Office of the Mayor is making available the following documents about the Coronavirus. Coronavirus Summary CDC Recommendations for CoronavirusRead More
The New City of Brockton Single Stream Recycling Program begins on April 2, 2018. Recycling will be collected every other week (A Week and B Week). Please check here to see which week your recyclables will be collected: Recycle Collection Schedule Recycling Week A or B by Street Visit the Trash and Recycling page or view our video for…Read More
The Department of Conservation and Recreation is currently implementing an energy efficiency program in certain parts of Brockton to increase tree canopy cover to reduce energy costs for homeowners, residents, and businesses. For more information contact your local DCR office at 617.626.1503 or at More
The Champion Plan launches February 29, 2016. Walk into the Brockton Police Department and get Access to Treatment for a Substance Use Disorder. Sundays Closed Mondays 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM Tuesdays 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM Wednesdays 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM Thursdays 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM Fridays 9:00 AM until 7:30 PM…Read More
Mayor Carpenter and other partners have been working on the implementation of a program to launch in January where individuals with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) can walk into a Brockton Fire or Police Station and get help into treatment after being transported to a comfortable location (TBD). We are working diligently on the details, but…Read More
Final Notice and Public Explanation of a Proposed Activity in a 100-Year Floodplain; Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds Ralsco Park, 389 Warren Avenue, Brockton, MA These notices shall satisfy three separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the Brockton Redevelopment…Read More
In recognition of the close of National Poison Prevention Week, Good Samaritan Medical Center has compiled a list of the top five poison alerts communities should be on the lookout for. “Most people think of poisonings as something dramatic involving a toxic substance ingested accidentally,” said Dr. Rick Herman, Chair of the Emergency Department at…Read More
Attached you will find the documents of the agreement between Brockton Electric Plant and the City of Brockton. Agreement for the Sale of AWRF Effluent Settlement Agreement Council Letter Compliance Document Watch the Mayor's Press Conference about the agreement on YouTubeRead More