ARPA Survey Form AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) PUBLIC INPUT SURVEY The funding afforded to the City of Brockton through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in our community. As a result, it is imperative that those in the community have the opportunity to make their voices heard on potential uses of funding. The City of Brockton is seeking your feedback to develop a comprehensive and inclusive plan to improve our community. We thank you for your participation!1.) Gender Male Female Non-binary 2.) Are you a resident of the City of Brockton? Yes No 3.) What is your age? <18 years old 18-25 years old 26-35 years old 36-40 years old 40-50 years old 50-65 years old >65 years old 4.) What is your ethnic group? White Black Hispanic Asian Native Hawaiian American Indian Other Please Specify5.) Please select five areas (based on the eligibility guidance from the Treasury Department) we should invest ARPA funding. Water and Sewer Infrastructure Broadband access Assistance to unemployed workers Rent, mortgage, or utility assistance Eviction prevention services Direct assistance to small businesses Direct assistance to non-profit agencies Aid to the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries Investment in social services which includes, but not limited to, mental health services, gun violence prevention, housing services to promote health living environments, remediation of lead paint hazards, and childcare services. Premium pay for health, safety, and sanitation workers Investment in outdoor spaces such as parks and playgrounds Public safety facilities and equipment Government revenue replacement 6.) What has been the level of impact COVID-19 has had on your household? Major negative impact Slight negative impact No impact Slight positive impact Major positive impact 7.) If COVID-19 has had a negative impact on your household, what assistance do you need? Please choose up to three. Food assistance Rental assistance Mortgage assistance Unemployment benefits Utility assistance Emergency childcare services Direct cash assistance Mental health services Internet access Job training Counseling services Substance use treatment services Other Please Explain 8.) What is your home-ownership status? Homeowner Renter Other Please Specify 9.) What is your employment status? Unemployed Part-time Full-time Other Please Specify10.) What are some other uses of ARPA funds that the City of Brockton should consider that was not listed?11.) If you are an employer, which of the following statements best describes your current employee situation? I am fully staffed and have no difficulties in finding and retaining employees I am fully staffed, but have had difficulties in finding and retaining employees. I am understaffed and have difficulty finding and retaining employees Other Not applicable to my situation Please Specify