ARPA Checklist
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Please be sure that all items listed below are included in your online application by the application deadline on January 31st, 2022, 12am EST.
☐ Submit application through the portal
☐ Budget template provided through the portal
☐ Budget narrative submitted through the portal
☐ IRS 990 statement
☐ Audited financial statements
☐ Current operating budget
☐ IRS 501 (c) (3) letter
☐ SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance provided through portal
☐ Disclosure of Lobbying Activities provided through portal
☐ Certification regarding Debarment and Suspension provided through portal
☐ Title VI Civil Rights Compliance provided through portal
☐ W-9 Form
☐ Subrecipient Pre-Award Risk Assessment Questionnaire (see application)