3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

Danny Goodwin Memorial Park 464 Centre St., Brockton

19th Annual 3 on 3 Gospel Youth Basketball Tournament Saturday, June 22 11:00 am Registration 12:00-5:00 pm Games Danny Goodwin Memorial Park 464 Centre Street FREE t-shirt, food, and prizes

Television Program – “Love in Connection”

Brockton Community Access 1 N. Main St., Brockton

Hub Connect is a non-profit corporation that works in entertainment for the Brockton community. "Love in Connection" is a new entertainment program that aims to connect people struggling to find […]

Movie Night @ D.W. Field Park

DW Field Park 331 Oak St., Brockton

Join Friends of the Park and Brockton Parks Department for MOVIE Night at D.W. Field Park. Movie_Night Flyer_Spring24 June 22 - Migration
